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Board of Selectmen Work Session -- 11/08/2012
PO BOX 268
Jackson, NH 03846

Work Session
Job Descriptions
November 8, 2012

Present were Selectmen Jerry Dougherty IV, John Allen, Bob Thompson, Administrator Diane Falcey, Minute Taker Ella Cressy, and filmer Hank Benesh.~

The Work Session was called to order at 6:05 pm by Chair Jerry Dougherty IV regarding job descriptions. Administrator Diane Falcey provided a note to them of where they left off last time. Selectman Dougherty spoke about a comment made by George Howard regarding what function the Building Inspector will be, it may be premature to develop a job description for that position. If voters do approve the process where the Building Inspector does all aspects, then we should have a job description ready. Selectman Dougherty has a draft of the Road Agent job description, which he went over with Road Agent Henry. He made language changes with collaboration from Road Agent Jay Henry.

Selectman Dougherty asked Selectman John Allen if he put the Administrator’s job description together or did someone else, Selectman Allen let him know it was what he was given by Administrator Falcey. Selectman Bob Thompson would like to have the same format as the LGC for each description for consistency sake, so we just have to fill in the blanks for qualifications.

He had one comment to Selectman Dougherty on the Building Inspector’s job description; we need to decide what we recommend to the voters, and there is a need for understanding what the scope of the job will be, as a contracted position or an employee position. Selectman Dougherty feels this is one of the most important aspects that needs to be decided. Whomever that person is will have an awful lot of authority, so he feels they should be an employee, and this would have a greater impact on what they do. A contracted position will not allow this; the Selectmen will not have as much say in what the building inspector will be doing. Either way there are good points about either one. If it is contracted out, there is no need for a job description, otherwise we do need one. Going from contracted to employee does not have to be done at town meeting according to Selectman Dougherty. We need to project what the cost of each will be. How detailed do we need to be, we don’t want to add haphazardly specialized jobs for the inspector.

Towns around that have their Building Inspector as an employee are Conway and Madison. Madison’s process is very well spelled out as a part time position. Do we (The Town of Jackson) need to separate duties? Is it possible to share a building inspector with another town as well? Selectman Dougherty is leaning towards a Town employee so there is consistency from year to year. Selectman Thompson feels we need to let the voters know which way we prefer, post ads for the position, interview the candidates, decide on the top candidates, and have the hiring process transparent once it is approved by voters. It’s very onerous, and how to implement the program will be questionable, the employee will be able to work closer with the homeowner.

Selectman Allen is leaning towards a private contractor, using our current Building Inspector Chalmers as an example, there will be less change and status quo, if we decided it isn’t working, then change to employee if needed, and then there are less variables. Selectman Dougherty said the contractor’s view of what happens in Madison is very good on their process. Administrator Falcey asked if it was an employee, would we have to provide work space here in the office as well, or would that person have their own files and supplies etcetera. We need to do a cost analysis. If the position is contracted, Selectman Thompson feels it will need to be put out to bid as a services contracted document. He then asked what the next step would be for the building inspector. Selectman Dougherty said we need to see what the planning board needs from us as Selectmen, and see what the process will look like.

Selectman Dougherty senses the Planning Board will give us the nuts and bolts for a bare minimum job description and Selectmen will take it from there. Then it will be selectmen’s responsibility to bring it to the voters. Let the voters know if this passes, this is what happens and this is what the change will look like. It will be different than what we are currently doing. The Building Inspector actually has to be qualified for the position.

On the rest of the job descriptions, Selectman Thompson noted that the Police Chief will be short and easy, a 6 page job description. The page with the qualifications is the only one Chief Meyers has questions on. The knowledge and level of competency, a Masters or Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in law enforcement experience. Selectman Thompson will make the edits for the Police Chief job description.

Selectman Dougherty said the road agent’s job description is complete. Selectman Allen asked if there were any significant changes to the road agents description and Selectman Dougherty let him know that they took out the supervision of collection of solid waste, and the FEMA administration aspect of reporting disasters. Road Agent Henry questioned Selectman Dougherty as to whether the ability to be on call is in minimum qualifications, with a time frame for responding, and whether a medical card or physical may be required for highway crew by State. Selectman Thompson asked what a medical card is, and Selectman Dougherty replied it’s a DOT form that a doctor fills out, and this issue may be from a liability standpoint for the Town. Selectman Thompson feels the medical card is good idea. Being on call does need to be in description in the abilities required for the position or essential duties section of the job description. Road Agent Henry also let Selectman Dougherty know that there is nothing in there about town property maintenance as needed, which the Town crew is currently responsible for. Selectman Dougherty said he told Road Agent Henry that we don’t want it too detailed. Selectman Dougherty let everyone know that he will make the edits to the Road Agents’ job description.

In reviewing the Office Administrator’s job description, Selectman Dougherty asked that Diane email the current word document to him so he can put it into the same format as the others are. The specificity that is currently in the Administrator job description may not need to be there. Those duties can be put into the section “and other duties as assigned” of the job description. In the short term, Selectman Dougherty wondered how to adjust how we handle building permit applications as he feels the staff shouldn’t have as much hands on as they currently do, and also, do selectmen need them ahead of time as there were some questions during the approval at the last Selectman’s meeting.

There was a motion made to adjourn the meeting by Selectman Thompson and seconded by Selectman Allen, all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:58pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ella Cressy
Office Assistant